Initially fascinated by the shiny chrome and glass cameras I saw in the catalogs and shops as a boy, once I took a photography class in high school everything changed. The first time I saw an image come up in the developer tray, I was astonished by the magic and alchemy. Art, in all of its forms, quickly became a passion.
While many of the images on this site are digital, l've worked in silver-based photography for decades, both in my own art as well as in professional photo labs in NYC. I am once again wandering the world with my Rolleiflex and Mamiya RB67, (and a Holga on occasion), and printing in my darkroom. It's as magical as it was that first day in 10th grade.
As much as I love the sliver-based work, I've also embraced the digital for its quality, ease and portability. My OM-5 is by my side almost all the time, and while I don't get to experience the alchemy of darkroom printing with the Canon Pro-1000, it does make beautiful prints.

Influences (so many, here are a few)
Visual Arts
John Coltrane: Crescent (sumptuous chaos), Giant Steps (order/chaos), Interstallar Space (chaotic chaos)
Written Word/Poetry

School of Visual Art, BFA Photography
Hunter College, MS-Ed Special Education, Blind & Visually Impaired
Portland State University, Special Education License